Celebrity Diets That Never Took Off

10. The Rosie O’Donnell Stick a Hot Dog in Your Vag, Not Your Mouth Diet 9. Listen To One Direction Til You Puke Yourself Thin 8. The Morrissey Mope And Munch Vegetarian Diet 7. Janeane Garafalo’s Seething Off the Pounds Diet 6. Clint Eastwood’s Empty Plate Diet 5. Ted...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #41

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #41 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud This week, Zamo rants about fighting with Georgie over emergency procedures when the power goes out and the temperature dipped to a crisp 21 degrees Celsius. Zamo then calls Georgie’s mom to tattle when Iggy doesn’t get Ig’s...

A few changes God needs to get working on

10.  Calorie-free donuts. 9. Humans should jump as easily as kangaroos to reach things on the top shelves. 8. Diamonds are supposed to be cheap, cleaning products are supposed to be expensive. 7. Pizza delivery never results in as much sex as the porno movies imply. 6. Boring jobs...

How much do you know about animals?

1. Dogs are a. man’s best friend b. great for teaching kids responsibility c. the leading cause of shit on my lawn.   2. Bunnies are a. cute and cuddly b. an invasive species c. a great way to get back at your ex when you boil them.  ...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #40

Zamo’s annoyed at Georgie this week since she won’t order Zamo a Confederate flag to offend people with. Also, Georgie’s stupid ex talks her into hanging out the beach, so Zamo invites igself plus the neighbor, Mr. Hydell, and his drinking buddies to crash their little beach party. http://zamothedestroyer.com...

Complaints of school teachers on summer vacation

10. No free apples 9. Stuck caring for the class gerbil 8. Missing the power of being able to flunk 7. Running into your students at the beach leads to having to explain what cellulite is 6. Kids are more stoked about flashcards than husbands 5. Facebook friends will...

How much do you know about technology?

1. The purpose of your browser’s cache is to a. help photos and other media load quickly b. store cookies and other data c. collect blackmail material based on your porn preferences 2. The speed of your computer is related to a. your CPU’s performance specs b. available RAM...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #39

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #39 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud Zamo and Hoppy tag along with Georgie to community college to swim in the pond and interrupt Georgie’s summer school class. In the interests of being a good monkey-keeper, Zamo even pretends to care about Georgie’s grades. http://zamothedestroyer.com...

Rejected national mottos for Canada

10. …And Timbits for all 9. Leafs suck! 8. Hey, that’s very offensive! 7. Never say to someone’s face what you can anonymously complain about to City Hall 6. Gone to the lake 5. The best beer on earth 4. It is what it is. 3. Dinged again… eh,...

How Canadian are you?

1. The national slogan of Canada is a. From Sea to Sea b. The Truth North Strong and Free c. Bring a two-four, eh? 2. Canada’s national pastime is a. hockey b. ice fishing c. bitching about taxes 3. Stephen Harper is a. The Prime Minister of Canada b....