Month: May 2015

Stupid writing exercise o’ the day: write your own eulogy

Gawd, I hate writing exercises that have you write your own eulogy. Such a cliche, and in any case, isn’t it all so much blowing smoke up your own butt? Also, doesn’t it depend who’s supposedly writing the eulogy? “Write it as if it was your boss.” Which boss?...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #33

The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #33 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud This week Zamo captures a vicious criminal breaking in and trying to steal Georgie’s things, does some vital scientific research on how many zaps you can get per Taser battery charge, and has a showdown with the...

Sheer coincidence, I’m sure

The other day I got stuck behind a bus with one of those propaganda ads on its ass about how fiscally responsible Translink supposed is. Yeah, yeah, one of the least worst in the world… but that includes those Indian busses and trains where no one pays, they just...

Pretentious Names

Friend of mine was mentioning a 22 year old colleague of hers named Sterling. Jesus, the 90s were fucked up. Well, at least it’s not Madisyn. Apparently the chicks at this business networking thing she was at all gushed about how much they love his name. There’s something in...