The Nick White Show: “Nick’s Ukrainian Adventure”
New prequel/mini-episode for The Nick White Show. From the video description: Nick is thrilled with the “Ukrainian visit” video Pádraig helped him make, but will his manager and publicist approve?...
Tree plans and not-yet-organized chaos
Almost forgot the Saturday blog… it’ll be a short one this week. The heat has arrived and that means watering duty is back. My dad’s been helping me rip out weeds, but there is definitely a need for me to get on track with laying down cardboard and mulch...
Back to our regularly scheduled Saturday random updates blog
Which I meant to start up again last week but got sidetracked. Whatever. Woke up with this song in my head: Which in a way fits what’s been going on, except it’s all old shit when you consider that I’ve decided to just focus on painting and that goes...
Lame “important” art vs. fun fan art
So, I saw a FB post from an art magazine showing some installation where someone (presumably a humorless art school prig, though I know my first reaction was to burst out laughing) printed a bunch of blah blah blah slogans about barriers and inclusion in foundation year of art...
The Nick White Show: “Nick’s Ukrainian Film Shoot”
New prequel/mini-episode for The Nick White Show. From the video description: This week Nick is busy on location (in his studio) filming his visit to Ukraine with the help of his pal Pádraig, who’s all too happy to lend his artistic vision to ensuring the video is a real...
Some texts to my brother and notes on celebrity and visual arts culture
So, I’ve been pondering artistic direction yet again (more bellyaching about that on another post so as to keep this one on topic). And I was thinking about drawings me and my friends used to do in high school of celebrities and how there kinda was something to that,...