About Pyra
Pyra Draculea is a multidisciplinary artist on Canada’s West Coast focused on making cartoons and cartoon-influenced monotypes and mixed media paintings. Her work is boldly colorful and often darkly humourous, incorporating major themes of celebrity culture and rock’n’roll nostalgia as well as the three Fs of fandom, fetishism, and fantasy lives.
From as far back as her early teens, Draculea has cycled through various forms of making from textiles and art quilts to industrial rock and noise soundscapes to comedic short videos to dolls and ritual items, but she always circles back around to drawing as her creative home base.
Her paintings have been exhibited in group shows at the Cowichan Valley Arts Council‘s gallery as well as in the Richmond Art Gallery, while her drawings, comics, and photography have been published in Discorder Magazine.
Ongoing projects include a near-daily webcomic, Noah’s Archipelago, about stay-at-home-dad-by-day/cover-band-rockstar-by-night Noah Thorsen, as well as a series of monotypes and cartoons depicting Ricky B. Rat, a rock’n’roll mouse-man, as well as a related sketchbook project, Bono Mouse. Previous (or at least “currently on hiatus”) projects include Zamo the Destroyer, a webcomic-turned-podcast about a megalomaniacal iguana trying to take over the world (or at least the neighborhood) in between naps, and The Nick White Show, a YouTube series about the second-biggest rockstar of the 1980s and his quest to become the world’s greatest… if only in terms of the local STD clinic’s patient list.
Draculea is currently working on building a more integrated art practise, with her various characters demanding to escape their sketchbooks and drawing tablets and gain entry into her larger paintings and prints.