Month: July 2022

Fakes, frauds, and grifters

I’m not gonna call anyone out by name, so we’ll just say “Z” for the apparent generation of the one who inspired this rant. Z is a video content creator. Nothing wrong with that. Z tells people she’s an artist. And she paints, so sure. OK. Z seems to...

New shade tree, new fountain, new comics, etc.

Finally getting the summer heat, meaning I’m on daily watering duty now. I did get a tree planted a week or so ago. I think in the last blog post I had just planted a baby silk tree, but I decided to move it to a new spot closer...

Properly introducing Noah, plus some tree planting

Well, when I last wrote I still had a hoarse voice from being sick, but that has now gone back to normal, so come Monday morning I’ll be back at it for The Nick White Show. About all I did for Nick this week was write a couple short...

Sickness and the start of that leprechaun sculpt

Well, I guess the short version of the blog is “I got sick and did nothing all week other than cough and complain.” But that’s not quite true, of course. I came down with flu-like symptoms on Sunday afternoon which got worse through Monday. Tuesday I woke about 30%...