Month: September 2015

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #51

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #51 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud Mailbag time! Zamo speculates on whether Technical Support Monkey will ever get a ring on her finger – what with the dude monkeys’ “no hymen, no diamond” movement – and grumbles about all the nagging notes Zamo’s mom...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #50

Zamo might not have been thrilled with Georgie’s recent decorating kick, but even worse is how Georgie forgot to replace her mustard yellow IKEA atrocity of a couch with something nicer… something softer… something greener. Zamo also complains about the ongoing lack of an area rug to warm up...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #49

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #49 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or it would be if Zamo’s pet human Georgie would go back to school and get out of the house more. Sadly, Georgie seems hellbent on ignoring Zamo’s attempts to...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #48

On this Labour Day weekend, Zamo attempts to get Georgie to fork over the going union rate for the hard work of putting up with Georgie. Meanwhile, Georgie’s on a Martha Stewart kick, but not in the becoming-a-billionaire sorta way, and Zamo is inspired to make a big improvement...