Month: February 2015

Stretching credibility

So last night it was raining and I used that as the jumping off point for this Sunday’s episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show, all about Zamo using the rain as an excuse for behaving badly yesterday and today. Lo and behold it’s bright and sunny today. So...

Sit Down Monologue #3

This Sit Down Monologue is all about meditation and the deep insights Pyra has had through her almost a month and a half of bothering to do some. Important stuff, y’know, like “my foot fell asleep.” Also, Pyra contemplates the meaning of whether or not there might be something...

So, this burlesque thing is really popular, right?

OK, so podcast listeners will know my rant on burlesque dancers at rock shows (namely, they suck and so does the whole idea). So… At a show right now. First 3 bands done. The MC comes out and tries to hype it up for the burlesque bimbo about to...