If I won the lottery

Everyone dreams of winning the lottery, right? Well, at least in my white trash family. Anyway, I thought up a few things I would do if I ever won the lottery: Buy a Lambourghini just because I always wanted one. It’ll have to sit in the front hallway of...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #38

Georgie insists on filling her flower boxes with inedible crap, so Zamo has to go foraging in Mrs. Churchman’s yard, who’s none too pleased about it. Fortunately, Zamo came armed with a few key Bible passages where God says it’s OK for Iggy to raid Mrs. Churchman’s garden. And...

Little known signs of summer in Vancouver

10. People strip down to only one layer of Gore-Tek 9. The Crocs come out of the closet 8. Sales of gluten-free steaks increase 7. Global warming panic status goes from high to extreme as soon as the temperature hits 21 degrees 6. Pasty white is so last week,...

How big of a Royals fan are you?

1. The British royal family belong to a. the Hanoverian dynasty b. the House of Windsor c. an intergalactic cabal of lizard-people ruling over humanity for their own nefarious purposes 2. When Prince William becomes king, he will be a. King William IV b. immensely popular c. old, fat,...

If I only had the time

Things on my to-do list if I ever get around to it: Figure out how my TV remote works Learn to dance, everything from bhangra to ballet Compose an opera based on Ayn Rand’s the Fountainhead Actually read the Fountainhead Read the collected works of Plato Meditate until I...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #37

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #37 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud Mailbag time! Zamo gets an update on her new Taser from her cousin Sticky, answers questions on Technical Support Monkey, how to get insurance on your pet human, and how to DIY your very own biological weapons. Also...

Things Overheard on the Seawall

10. “Uh-oh, I think that tea cleanse is kicking in… hang on, I’m just going to hang over the side and go…” 9. “That two-wheeled bike icon is so cis-wheeled-normative! What about all us unicycle riders, huh?” 8. “Did you see that woman pushing the stroller? She had the...

Are you a typical Vancouverite?

1. Is shutting the Burrard Street Bridge down for a yoga event this month a. a fabulous way to promote healthy green lifestyles b. a major inconvenience to drivers c. not enough, man: we need to blow the bridge up and then people could, like, kayak to work instead...

If I were an anthropology professor

I would order my students to stay home and actually figure out how society works in the real world in their own city before letting them go off to far flung foreign places coming up with crackpot theories that support their fantasies but have no bearing on reality. Also,...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #36

This week Zamo goes to interrogate the new neighbor, Mr. Hydell, who takes a special olfactory interest in Georgie’s stupid toys that Hoppy brings from the drawer in her bedside table when trying to find out Georgie’s bra size for Mr. Hydell. http://zamothedestroyer.com...