Tag: Saturday life update

Mad cleaning rush, giant mulch pile, minor car accident, etc.

Well, as predicted last week or the week before, the vast majority of the cleaning for my brother’s return happened within the last 24 hours, ie, within the last 48 hours before he gets back tomorrow night. Spare room: check. Bathrooms: check. Kitchen/dining room: check. Laundry room: check. Living...

Charred curtains, painting the stairwells, and yet more Barbies

Well… here I was yesterday afternoon thinking, shit, another Saturday blog with nothing much to report other than some of the peonies have started to bloom and what the Hell do I have to show for the week that’s interesting for a blog… Careful what you wish for and...

More dolls, less lupins/foxglove/columbine

Slow news week, but whatever. Two weeks until my brother returns and I need to get the spare room ready for him. Let’s get real: this will probably all be done in the last 48 hours and not a moment sooner. In terms of other clean-up, my dad got...

An Tíogar, Kill da Wabbit, and the clematis and roses are starting

It’s beginning to look a lot like “damn it, not this again”-mas… After a while of vacillation, work began today on the new maQLu album. Well, a new album of some sorts, we’ll see if it goes under the maQLu banner or not when I get closer to the...

New pathway in the garden, dance videos, future clarinet lessons

So… it’s Saturday… time for another blog… As I posted on Monday, for now I’ve put Under My Skin on hiatus. Afterwards, I was starting to think maybe I made a mistake, but oh well. Not enough of a mistake to make me feel like writing a new episode...

Blog adjustments, pen names, etc.

Well, what a week… lol… You may notice I don’t have posts for a couple of my podcasts anymore. The one I was doing with my friend? We decided to axe it. It was fun for us, but not really aligned to our respective career goals, so it’s been...

Yay! Spring! Finally!

So, as the title says, no matter what the calendar says, it isn’t really spring until we pass the last average frost date. Which is April 10th here, and the 14 day forecast shows no sign of any later surprise frosts. In fact, I’ve been able to forego my...

Shopping and loading up the china cabinet

It’s that time of the week… Well, I heard back from the local university, weeks after I decided I didn’t want to waste money going, lol… accepted, of course, with a shitload of transfer credits (as far as the university is concerned, I’m straight into third year, though the...

Small rant about fashion cycles, plus some spring flowers

Well, I missed last Saturday’s life update post for reasons I mentioned on this week’s Under My Skin. Which is to say, stupid reasons, because I inadvertently gave myself insomnia Friday night after binging on chocolate when my tolerance for caffeine is gone and even my sugar tolerance is...