The Zamo the Destroyer Show #211
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: This week, having had it with the humans not taking any action to move to Los Angeles so Iggy can live happily ever after in the sun, Zamo starts sending out Georgie’s resume to every LA job posting Ig can find....
Blog adjustments, pen names, etc.
Well, what a week… lol… You may notice I don’t have posts for a couple of my podcasts anymore. The one I was doing with my friend? We decided to axe it. It was fun for us, but not really aligned to our respective career goals, so it’s been...
TIL: “West Brit” and some other FB fun and complaints
(This was originally supposed to go in an episode of Under My Skin a couple weeks back, but it ended up being a 20 minute rambling bit and I opted to just slash it all out instead. Still, thought I might post the notes part of it here.) So…...
Poem: Spring cleaning
need for a purge cleansed toxins sludge from my bad habits physical spiritual and otherwise body, mind, and garden clutter of all types only keep the best of my bad habits the ones that make me smile...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #210
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: It turns out that Jeff from Ojai has a thing for cheerleaders, so in the interests of squeezing him for a higher ‘matchmaker fee’ Zamo sets about finding a nice green cheerleader costume for Technical Support Monkey. Along the way, Zamo...
Yay! Spring! Finally!
So, as the title says, no matter what the calendar says, it isn’t really spring until we pass the last average frost date. Which is April 10th here, and the 14 day forecast shows no sign of any later surprise frosts. In fact, I’ve been able to forego my...
Poem: Tulips
the first tulips pop cream with coral-orange flames dagger petals raised to the sky “We are here, notice us! and take photos to remember us by when you have flown south where you must content yourself with cacti and dahlias and we will be the only thing you miss...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #209
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: In light of the week’s rain, Zamo hassles the humans about what steps they’re taking to fix the weather. Unfortunately, the answer is not a damn thing. Worse, Technical Support Monkey is caught red-handed working on some other podcast in direct...
Shopping and loading up the china cabinet
It’s that time of the week… Well, I heard back from the local university, weeks after I decided I didn’t want to waste money going, lol… accepted, of course, with a shitload of transfer credits (as far as the university is concerned, I’m straight into third year, though the...
Poem: Unshorn
cherry-mahogany reaching down my back siren-signal calling out “touch me” —to men— or “hate me” —to the hags— Don’t tell me short hair is fashionable: I don’t follow trends —trends are for morons— shorn sheep bleating rationalizations Never cut your hair. Do not fall prey to the matriarchs who...