Poem: The Fool

a court jester, should I do cartwheels as I say things few want to hear and then laugh put bells in my hair to hide the roots jingle when I shake my head at your lies and you laugh all you like as the wall close in...

Friday Stitch Day Update: November 26, 2021

We have a finish! “Interlude” by Shannon Dunbabin Well, the knitting part is finished. I still need to weave the ends in and block/pin it to bring out the lace pattern, but at least the really slow and laborious part is over now. That was the lion’s share of...

Weekly Reading List: November 23, 2021

The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion by Thorkild Jacobsen Cath Maige Tuired: A Full English Translation by Morgan Daimler Time Management for the Creative Person: Right-Brain Strategies for Stopping Procrastination, Getting Control of the Clock and Calendar, and Freeing Up Your Time and Your Life by...

Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Hanoi Rocks scarf

This was an eBay purchase close to 10 years ago. I think in the 80s this sort of plasticky polyester scarf/banner thing was a pretty popular merch item as I’ve seen similar ones coming up in searches for Duran Duran memorabilia. Anyway, fun piece for display, certainly would never...

Poem: Blueprint

a novel outline —perhaps a prayer?— a blueprint of love to come musical romance or just a way to pay the bills dancing on paper lines cast waiting for a bite and perhaps a way to heal conjuring; testing first in fiction then in practise...

Christmas lights, statuettes, and the Malahat

Well, last week I mentioned setting up the trees, this week I’ve actually decorated them. But I made that a separate post, so never mind. It’s one of those things where before I do it, I don’t feel like getting it done, but once it’s done, I’m glad I...

2021 Christmas Trees

Last week I mentioned setting up the trees, and now I have them all decorated so let’s see some pics. First up is the small lime green tinsel tree: I got this a number of years ago at Homesense on clearance for like $20, and it’s tended to be...

Friday Stitch Day Update: November 19, 2021

Well, I didn’t spend too much time on stitching or knitting this week, plus I’m trying to be more focussed and get things finished, so it’s a shorter blog this week. Let’s see here… work on the cast-off edging on “Interlude” by Shannon Dunbabin is ongoing. I’m guessing I’m...

Weekly Reading List: November 16, 2021

The Ancient Near East by Harry A. Dawe The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion by Thorkild Jacobsen Poetic Edda: A Heathen Study Edition by Thorstein Mayfield Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship by LABRYS The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey...

From Urinating Tree: “Hockey Has A Culture Problem”

Jesus fucking Christ… that Blackhawks sexual abuse thing is shocking. Well, maybe not. I mean, there have been stories about such abuse at the juniors level, but in the NHL? My God. The shit with the injuries, I guess, isn’t as surprising. These guys get hit hard, as hard...