Friday Stitch Day Update: November 19, 2021

Well, I didn’t spend too much time on stitching or knitting this week, plus I’m trying to be more focussed and get things finished, so it’s a shorter blog this week.

Let’s see here… work on the cast-off edging on “Interlude” by Shannon Dunbabin is ongoing.

I’m guessing I’m a third of the way done now? Not sure, but it’s slow-going.

In other knitting news, I found this ancient WIP:

The Currant Cardigan by Margie Mitchell, from the Spring 2013 issue of Interweave Knits.

This is the back, and it would seem I chose to knit it in the smallest size, lol… I like my sweaters tight but right now it would be too teeny for me… on the other hand, I betcha I started this in 2014 when I was more fit, so by the time I finish this I should fit into it just fine, lol…

I dunno if this will be my next focus-to-finish WIP, though, as I have a half-finished scarf that I can knock off much faster. Plus I want to use up the remainder of the purple yarn from Interlude to make a lace cap, and maybe even a pair of mittens to match that shawl.

On the other hand, this project is currently hogging my much-beloved peg board stitch/pattern counter and I would like it back, please.

We’ll see.

In terms of stitching, I mostly worked on “Refuse to Sink” by Hands On Design:

Until I decided I couldn’t resist starting on “More Than Luck” by Carriage House Samplings, lol:

Not that I got more than a few stitches in, but still.

(18-count aida that I dyed myself, BTW.)