The Nick White Show: Paddy’s Day

New mini-episode for The Nick White Show. From the video description: This week Nick is a bit confused about why Pádraig was drunk last week, as well as still being sore over his poker losings. Music is “First Cracks Showing” from Shrug Part 1 by my old music project...

Friday Arts & Crafts Day Update: March 18, 2022

No stitching or knitting this week, but I did get my grubby paws on some 22 count aida, which has been nowhere to be found in the 3 local-ish Michael’s for a couple months, and thus I dyed those and FINALLY used up the last of the stash of...

The Nick White Show: Series Trailer (March 2022)

First series trailer for The Nick White Show. I got a rough cut done on Sunday night but wasn’t feeling it and decided to leave it til morning (it was 3am and my brain was fried). Upon waking I determined that I should shoot some more groupie scenes and...

Weekly Reading List: March 15, 2022

Who’s Afraid of the Song of the South? And Other Forbidden Disney Stories by Jim Korkis Guerrilla Street Team Guide: Helping Teamers and Business People Alike Utilize Guerrilla Marketing Strategies on the Grassroots Level to Reach People Not Typically Exposed to Traditional Advertising by Jay Conrad Levinson and Brad...

Production planning, shipping delays, and some more spring flowers

This week’s been all about The Nick White Show for the most part. The start-up of any new project is always the most time-consuming. Anyway, I’m planning to have a video chunk per week, so I figured it was time to come up with a daily task to keep...

Friday Arts & Crafts Day Update: March 11, 2022

Slow week this week in terms of crafting and even in terms of prop-building. I needed some plain backgrounds for “sets” for The Nick White Show, so I painted a pair of canvases grey and another pair black to make for a couple different room corner options: The black...

Oasis interview 1994

The Oasis brothers talking smack about the press just before becoming massive stars. Favorite moment: I especially like the bit at 7:40ish in the Oasis interview, I love it… chick asks them if they write music for people with brains or for everyone and he replies with “people who’ve...

The Nick White Show: “The Smoke Pit” (pre-trailer)

From the video description: A typical morning in the smoke pit next to the world-famous Starboard Sound, owned by rock star Nick White. Well, OK, afternoon. Late afternoon. Anyway, we briefly meet our cast, plus some randos who walked by and vandalized the wall as they passed by. First...