The Vampire’s Ball, March 11/12 2015
The Vampire’s Ball – March 11/12 2015 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #22
Sit Down Monologue #4
This Sit Down Monologue has Pyra contemplating the supposed gender of guitars, as well as blathering about her favorite one, a 1997 Gibson ES-135 that she has nicknamed Jeff. So… you know… the next time you hear her going on about a tall, dark, handsome, sexy sweetie named Jeff,...
East Van Retard du jour #2
Pull over to answer a text from my friend whose nutso ex was drunk texting her and proving she was right to dump his psycho ass. Crackhead comes up on my driver’s side, pounds on my window and starts to ask me for money. I get pissed and yell...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #21
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #21 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud...
Mind of maQLu Radio, February 28 2015
Mind of maQLu Radio – February 28 2015 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...
Stretching credibility
So last night it was raining and I used that as the jumping off point for this Sunday’s episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show, all about Zamo using the rain as an excuse for behaving badly yesterday and today. Lo and behold it’s bright and sunny today. So...
The Vampire’s Ball, February 25/26 2015
The Vampire’s Ball – February 25/26 2014 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #20
Mind of maQLu Radio, February 21 2015
Mind of maQLu Radio – February 20 2015 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...