The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #25
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #25 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud...
Mind of maQLu Radio, March 28 2015
Mind of maQLu Radio – March 28 2015 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...
Wild orgy night
Wild night in the fish tank tonight: two of my dwarf aquatic frogs are humping while a third watches and a fourth is sitting next to the first three with his/her back turned to the whole sordid scene. Party on....
Great timing
About 1/3 of the way into my set tonight at La Fontana, I get a stabbing pain in my left knee (old injury) and I can feel it about to give out. Caught it and shifted to balancing on my right foot while having just my left toes touching...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #24
Sit Down Monologue #5
This Sit Down Monologue has Pyra answering the age old question of whether the toilet seat should be left up or left down. She also spews venom at all those bitches who hover....
Good morning.
Busy day today. Set my alarm for 9:15 (which is early for my biorhythms), had to be at work for 10:00, out of work at 2:00 then zip over to the West End for a comedy-related business meeting (ie, real work; important work), zip over to Langara after that...
The Vampire’s Ball, March 18/19 2015
The Vampire’s Ball – March 18/19 2015 by Maqlu on Mixcloud...
I am so going to Hell when I die
Excerpt from a new stand up bit I just wrote: …Johnny Thunders must have heard that and been pissed he didn’t think of that first. “No, officer, I’m allowed to have those needles. I’m uh, diabetic, yeah.” “Oh? Where’s your insulin?” “Right here in this little baggie.” “That looks...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #23
The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Episode #23 by Pyra Draculea on Mixcloud...