Long time no write… at least not here…
Wow… what a change a few months brings, and in this one case it’s one of the only good changes of 2020: I’m back to writing. So… yeah, the whole art thing fizzled for a variety of reasons but mostly because that involves being in the widget business and...
Three small finished canvases
Well, they’ll be finished once all the acrylic gel medium slowly dries clear in a week or so… but that’s nothing to do with me. I think I forgot to post a couple other small ones I finished this week, but whatever…...
A couple dozen drawings of vintage perfume bottles
All done with acrylic ink this morning, for use in future mixed media works....
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #196
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Well, it’s July and it’s finally getting somewhat warm. Zamo’s been holed up at Technical Support Monkey’s house in the hopes of seeing her fall down the stairs again (or more realistically, getting to finish reading Chimpette’s diary). Along the way...
The Stones Match the Hair #2
Companion piece to the first one. This one is as follows: acrylic on canvas, ribbon, embroidery thread, acrylic rhinestones, glass beads, ink on paper, an old thrift store rhinestone earring (I was gonna just wear them, except the little prongs on all the rhinestones kept snagging my hair), perle...
The Stones Match the Hair #1
ie, both are fake… Finished up the first of my little 6×6″ mixed media canvases today, got another 7 clogging up my desk. All have acrylic painted backgrounds and appliquéd ribbon, some also have rhinestones or beads sewn on. Next is to do some small drawings and sew them...
Still Life with Leopard Booties and Fake Croc Purse
I’m starting a series of watercolor and marker/ink still lifes, mostly for fun, somewhat to force myself to draw from observation again instead of just cartooning or working texture-wise. When I get enough of them, I might rent a local gallery space to do a solo show, who knows…...
Finishing touches on an old landscape
Finally got around to painting the edges of a landscape I did in 2016, signed it, and added a few extra squiggles with acrylic ink: Not gonna bother adding it to the portfolio site because this one is destined for my kitchen wall, lol…...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #195
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: It’s been an entertaining couple weeks, starting with Zamo interrupting the shunning of Technical Support Monkey to tag along to Vancouver in the hopes of getting to “help” with a dental appointment and culminating in Technical Support Monkey falling down the...
First new (finished) work of 2020
Well, in terms of the mixed media stuff – my desk is littered with various components for the mixed media series I’m working on, and I finally got one little piece fully assembled as of this afternoon. It’s the original for one of the postcard designs I’ll be getting...