The Zamo the Destroyer Show #208

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: No show last week because the chimps needed shunning and nose-thwacking on account of the rain. Also because Technical Support Monkey refuses to borrow her brother’s AR-15 and shoot Ig a bear fur blanket because she’s lazy, just like her whole...

Small rant about fashion cycles, plus some spring flowers

Well, I missed last Saturday’s life update post for reasons I mentioned on this week’s Under My Skin. Which is to say, stupid reasons, because I inadvertently gave myself insomnia Friday night after binging on chocolate when my tolerance for caffeine is gone and even my sugar tolerance is...

Poem: Drowning World

swimming, gliding simple luxury made difficult and distant while the sheep bleat for more kicks to the ribs I’ve long since written them off simple-minded souls following orders and I am an unwitting invader in a hostile land that I long to flee And when will we cut the...

Book of the week: The Sound of Paper

Julia Cameron’s The Sound of Paper: Starting From Scratch is a sort of companion book to her bestseller The Artist’s Way. The book unfurls over the course of one of Cameron’s annual journeys to her then-summer home of Taos, New Mexico from her then-usual home of Manhattan. Cameron and...

Poem: Dye Job

freshly fired hair —bloodied— always wary of its power will it bring me my mate? or just fresh headaches? attention at all costs whether I’m ready for it or will hide again too soon to tell the more I shrink the more I grow into my own skin and...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #207

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Zamo spends St. Patrick’s Day heckling Technical Support Monkey as she watches some dumb chimp concert on YouTube that she keeps insisting isn’t Duran Duran. Along the way, Zamo learns about the Breeding Season Orange Men of Ireland, who Iggy supposes...

First day of spring, new musical interests, and being stiff and sore

Happy equinox/first day of spring… finally! I had my first clematis blossoms open on my really early Clematis armandii ’Apple Blossom’ And I almost have daffodils open (outside of the teeny mini-daffodils), but I guess those are for next week. Yeah, I said that last week, but the Replete...

Pop Quiz: How much do you know about St. Patrick?

1. The “snakes” St. Patrick rid Ireland of were a. actual snakes, like cobras and shit b. non-existent fables because Ireland never had snakes c. the indigenous Druidic shamans who rightfully ruled the place before he got uppity 2. Patrick came from a. Rome b. Dublin c. England, like...

Poem: English Daisies

english daisies their stout heads fringed white and red stuck up into the frigid wind racing along the bank the daisies don’t care clinging to secure soil and greeting the rising sun tenacious yet tender early, waiting for the daffodils to catch up and nod their heads along with...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #206

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: It’s starting to get sunnier, but still remains cold, which Zamo interprets as a sign that the Sun God is still displeased with the local humans and Aztec-style sacrifices are in order to change that and bring on the heat. Sadly,...