Zone 2, ball-smacking, and reblooms

Funny, this is the second week in a row where my first draft of this post ended up being a tangent that I instead made into its own post for later in the week. So, tomorrow there will be a long ramble on my thought process in trying to...

Friday Fashion/Beauty: Online shopping ramble

So… about that whole “buy less but buy better” thing… in the short term it sure can look like “buy more.” Maybe that’s just me, lol… but in any case, there’s been some good sales around so I now have 3 blazers en route, a skirt, a dress, and...

Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Mötley Crüe picks

I’ve had these for years and I think I posted the Tommy Lee one (from one of his solo tours) a while back, but they caught my eye so they’re this week’s memorabilia post: And the flip sides: And, of course, Tommy Lee… classy as ever: I have a...

Poem: Druid

eyes dark and narrow as the slotted paths allowing entry to the thickets sacred groves of our shared ancestry as as full of mystery to me, a pagan amongst pagans how strange to hear your siren song now a lifetime on but then I never listened to the voices...

Island View Beach and a whole lot of meh and rambling

What was I up to this week… well, I did start a little bit of bushwhacking in the veggie garden, eliminating a lot of the overgrowth in the tomatos bed and finding a cluster of ripe and delicious cherry tomatos buried in the middle of it all. That was...

Monday Memorabilia/Collections: U2.IE tour program

Usually when I get new additions to my memorabilia collection, I slap it in the Saturday life update blog, but I was thinking I should do a weekly blog on that stuff. Not everything will be something I just got, because I have various collections that have been ongoing...

Poem: Froth

bubble bath foams up around my elbows I read but am thinking elsewhere putting on a bubbly façade to mask the stony front walls I keep up washed with cold sea froth as surely as the hot steam sweats the lies out of my head...

Hummingbirds, mulching, TV/DVD set up issues

Well, it’s that time of the week again: time for another vapid life update blog. Shortly before writing this I was chatting with my brother as he looked out at the front garden. Close to the window is the hummingbird feeder I mentioned before, so I asked my usual...

Poem: Zephyr

languid, slow to rise an imagined embrace drawing me back to dream —but not to build— new realities float by untethered by action needing building blocks of concrete —not desire— braced against the winds of whim...

Soft tonguing, “Sasanach santach,” new shoes, etc.

Well, last week’s heatwave peaked right on schedule on Monday afternoon, and it maxed out at 108 in my town instead of the predicted 111. Granted, whichever spot in the blazing sun on my concrete patio that has the outdoor temperature sensor that’s connected to my central air system...