Category: Blog

Ch-ch-changes… probably…

So, the flower headers are gone, replaced with some random pics from my rock memorabilia collections. Seems to me when I updated the blog in 2020 and I was painting more, the headers were my art. Then in 2021 I swapped it to my garden as I tried to...

Back at it, glitches, and some garden flowers

Been a couple weeks since I wrote one of these… well, it’s been a busy month from time management Hell. So… when last I wrote a Saturday blog, I had only put out the first video for The Nick White Show, “The Smoke Pit,” and was working on the...

Monday Memorabilia/Collections: U2 Popmart crew tour itinerary book

I already had two of Guns N Roses’ tour itinerary books, but decided to expand the collection a bit… plus it seems suddenly there’s more tour itinerary books on eBay all of a sudden (for various artists). Anyway, so I grabbed this one: These are interesting bits of history....

Friday Arts & Crafts Day Update: April 1, 2022

Skipped doing one of these last week because, well, I didn’t have much done last week for crafts and I had no time to blog anyway due to getting this week’s huge “Meet Nick White” video. But for next week’s video? Well, we need a peek inside the Whites’...

FEE – Hollywood Hates You

Really good points about the decline of Hollywood and ever-spiralling shittiness towards the audience. And he’s right, that used to be an attitude for hacks who ended up in academia, but the cancer has spread. Ditto the concept about antagonizing the audience as a marketing strategy… it ain’t a...

Friday Arts & Crafts Day Update: March 18, 2022

No stitching or knitting this week, but I did get my grubby paws on some 22 count aida, which has been nowhere to be found in the 3 local-ish Michael’s for a couple months, and thus I dyed those and FINALLY used up the last of the stash of...

Weekly Reading List: March 15, 2022

Who’s Afraid of the Song of the South? And Other Forbidden Disney Stories by Jim Korkis Guerrilla Street Team Guide: Helping Teamers and Business People Alike Utilize Guerrilla Marketing Strategies on the Grassroots Level to Reach People Not Typically Exposed to Traditional Advertising by Jay Conrad Levinson and Brad...