Category: Blog

Poem: Winter torches

Little yellow torch-buds raised high without pitchforks a crowd waits to protest and drive away the frost by their defiant unfurling...

Poem: Old photo

pouty boy with a big gun —the “boy” was then 47— do you know what that’s for? Can you hunt? —not just in Whole Foods— Can you defend? —not just your ego— Do you disavow that image? —or secretly delight in it— toy soldiers in your mind I’ll tell...

Greetings from transcript (and lazy winter flower) Hell

So, the good news is the university has gotten my transcript from the audio recording school I attended. Of course, said school doesn’t really do official transcripts so they sent a PDF of my grades records, which the university has received but put as a separate item on my...

Poem: Lapis

azure gloss gold-flecked sacred stone of another world bombed and shattered what must be hidden –truths too close to home— or lies exposed let the lioness run free again in our bricked wilderness an inner Eden if only we dare dream...

Poem: Waiting for the Flowers to Show

hellebores taunt me the verge of opening up to shine in winter’s light so close… yet still guarded against the chill maybe my impatience is a mirror my own heart like the hidden stamens there but closed off not yet for display waiting for warmer spring shine safety from...


Another week and what’s new? Well, work is continuing on the poetry book and the sitcom/web series with dolls thing, and I’m getting transcripts in for my university application. But the real news is I’ve had some ideas for musicals. Wait… what? Yes, musicals. The first nebulous idea was...