Category: Blog

Squirrels suck, free downloads, and other news

That time of the week again: the Saturday life update blog. Well… let’s see here… Zamo was right about squirrels. Dad’s been thwarting the squirrels in various spots, but somehow they’ve still been getting in. I haven’t heard them in the attic of the house in the last few...

Book of the week: Jim Goad’s The Headache Factory

Well, I haven’t finished any books this week, but hey, last week’s book blog was about something I read last year so let’s continue that trend, eh? I’m a big fan of Jim Goad’s. I have a bunch of his books, read his Taki’s Magazine column all the time...

Poem: Lessons

The great Babylonian whore always got her man and knew her value written in the stars —and with them— seven jewels and that just for a start. Seven gates seven veils seven points on her very own star. Yet I was taught never to be like her. Stay quiet....

Forget what I said about university, lol…

First up, an update about the whole returning to university thing: Yeah, forget that. LOL… I mentioned a bit about this on the last episode of Under My Skin, but the decision is now final. I started having doubts last week, though both my brother and my best friend...

Poem: Recurring Theme

the ever-present bed draped in velvet and faux-furs a wild kingdom for your talents —your real talent?— or perhaps your ever-present need enticing luring tempting innuendo that if the price is right and the time is right in stolen moments you might invite me —or any of a million...

Some reflections from almost 20 years ago, and a new play idea

I mentioned in a recent post about having written a new stage play excerpt for my writing portfolio. Then when prepping for yesterday’s Under My Skin podcast, I ended up writing a whole essay about the portfolio and the story of behind the story of the excerpt. Which was...

Poem: Melt

rhinestones melting in the desert fire the customs of our (lost) nation destroy destroy burn few precious relics saved to rot in a museum that future generations might someday wonder at our grace that we threw away like so much garbage as we defile our history and ourselves...