Squirrels suck, free downloads, and other news
That time of the week again: the Saturday life update blog. Well… let’s see here… Zamo was right about squirrels. Dad’s been thwarting the squirrels in various spots, but somehow they’ve still been getting in. I haven’t heard them in the attic of the house in the last few...
Book of the week: Jim Goad’s The Headache Factory
Well, I haven’t finished any books this week, but hey, last week’s book blog was about something I read last year so let’s continue that trend, eh? I’m a big fan of Jim Goad’s. I have a bunch of his books, read his Taki’s Magazine column all the time...
Poem: Lessons
The great Babylonian whore always got her man and knew her value written in the stars —and with them— seven jewels and that just for a start. Seven gates seven veils seven points on her very own star. Yet I was taught never to be like her. Stay quiet....
Forget what I said about university, lol…
First up, an update about the whole returning to university thing: Yeah, forget that. LOL… I mentioned a bit about this on the last episode of Under My Skin, but the decision is now final. I started having doubts last week, though both my brother and my best friend...
Book of the week: The Artist’s Way (plus how I ended up working through it)
Where to begin with this one… well, about a year ago I was feeling the need to get back to making some sort of art, having spent the majority of my creative energy in the previous couple years either involved with buying and renovating and decorating my house (plus...
Poem: Recurring Theme
the ever-present bed draped in velvet and faux-furs a wild kingdom for your talents —your real talent?— or perhaps your ever-present need enticing luring tempting innuendo that if the price is right and the time is right in stolen moments you might invite me —or any of a million...
Winter’s last (I hope!) snow tantrum and I’m never wrong but I might have been not entirely correct this one time
Ah, it seems like I just wrote the last Saturday blog… The snow fell, about 5-6” of it at my house, and while it did cover everything, it seems the irises are now emerging from it not that much worse off than before it hit. I expect this is...
Some reflections from almost 20 years ago, and a new play idea
I mentioned in a recent post about having written a new stage play excerpt for my writing portfolio. Then when prepping for yesterday’s Under My Skin podcast, I ended up writing a whole essay about the portfolio and the story of behind the story of the excerpt. Which was...
Book of the Week (plus side tangents, of course!): John Taylor’s In the Pleasure Groove
So, as mentioned/joked about on the first couple episodes of the new Under My Skin podcast, I recently finished John Taylor’s autobiography In the Pleasure Groove: Love, Death, and Duran Duran. Well, let’s have a more fair look than I gave it in the podcast, hmm? (In my defense,...
Poem: Melt
rhinestones melting in the desert fire the customs of our (lost) nation destroy destroy burn few precious relics saved to rot in a museum that future generations might someday wonder at our grace that we threw away like so much garbage as we defile our history and ourselves...