Poem: Lapis
azure gloss gold-flecked sacred stone of another world bombed and shattered what must be hidden –truths too close to home— or lies exposed let the lioness run free again in our bricked wilderness an inner Eden if only we dare dream...
Poem: Waiting for the Flowers to Show
hellebores taunt me the verge of opening up to shine in winter’s light so close… yet still guarded against the chill maybe my impatience is a mirror my own heart like the hidden stamens there but closed off not yet for display waiting for warmer spring shine safety from...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #199
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: It’s been a quiet week for Zamo back at Georgie’s house with Ig’s TV privileges once again suspended… or it was until Iggy crashed one of the Zoom meetings Pierre has been having for his “government cheese job” and demands the...
Another week and what’s new? Well, work is continuing on the poetry book and the sitcom/web series with dolls thing, and I’m getting transcripts in for my university application. But the real news is I’ve had some ideas for musicals. Wait… what? Yes, musicals. The first nebulous idea was...
Pop lyrics vs. Poems
I mentioned the other day about the poetry book I’m working on. By now I have pretty much everything together, ready to move into InDesign to typeset it. I ended up ditching a lot of the minor poems and there will even be a few actual lyrics from the...
Poem: Old flame
To think I once loved you —impossible!— but I did or the person I once was did Another place old poems in old notebooks old songs I once sang I cringe now, my face red with shame But you never knew that word —you still don’t— but I did...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #198
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: This week, Zamo and Technical Support Monkey argue about Chimpette’s incessant playing of annoying 80s pop and that “song about an elevator or whatever” which Chimpette insists is some Bonobo dude instead of “Squeaky Simon” from Duran Duran getting his monkey...
The university robots think my name is Phoenix… and other news
Another week drags on… seems like on Wednesday I had some clever idea for a blog post but I was lazy and didn’t write it so now I’ve forgotten and here we are. Well, one can argue blog posts are never as clever as the blogger might think. So...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #197
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: It’s been a while, but between Zamo’s mom’s incessant phone calls and the need to ensure Technical Support Monkey has a worthwhile New Year’s resolution (i.e., doing Iggy’s bidding more), Zamo figured it was time to start the show again. In...
Careful what you write about
PSA: Never write about someone you hate, because you might accidentally find yourself liking them. Especially if you do your research, which you really should. The first episode of that weird sitcom/web series thing I’m working on (referenced in the last blog) has the main character, Nick (an aging...