The Zamo the Destroyer Show #202

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: The chimps have yet again offended the Sun God, leading to several inches of snow and some severe nose-thwackings with rolled up newspapers as Zamo doles out divine retribution on behalf of the Sun God. Except for Technical Support Monkey, who...

Poem: Winter torches

Little yellow torch-buds raised high without pitchforks a crowd waits to protest and drive away the frost by their defiant unfurling...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #201

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Inspired by an old British archeology show, Zamo tries to get Technical Support Monkey to start digging for Roman coins in her garden and in the park across the street, but apparently the Romans were smart enough to stay far away...

Poem: Old photo

pouty boy with a big gun —the “boy” was then 47— do you know what that’s for? Can you hunt? —not just in Whole Foods— Can you defend? —not just your ego— Do you disavow that image? —or secretly delight in it— toy soldiers in your mind I’ll tell...

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #200

New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: This week is the 200th episode of the show, but Zamo’s not celebrating, what with the cold temperatures and the only flowers to be found being inedible and poisonous ones like hellebores. Which for some reason inspire Technical Support Monkey to...

Greetings from transcript (and lazy winter flower) Hell

So, the good news is the university has gotten my transcript from the audio recording school I attended. Of course, said school doesn’t really do official transcripts so they sent a PDF of my grades records, which the university has received but put as a separate item on my...