Poem: Fierce
Leopard sheets daring —but— in a conventional way not unlike your brave declarations special but the same Are you really so fierce? —or all roar— no bite and blunted claws...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #215
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: No show last week due to Zamo needing to shun Technical Support Monkey for her impudence in trying to blame the Sun God for her curtains catching fire (after Iggy was done whipping her with her own iPhone charger cable, of...
Mad cleaning rush, giant mulch pile, minor car accident, etc.
Well, as predicted last week or the week before, the vast majority of the cleaning for my brother’s return happened within the last 24 hours, ie, within the last 48 hours before he gets back tomorrow night. Spare room: check. Bathrooms: check. Kitchen/dining room: check. Laundry room: check. Living...
Poem: False start
down to the deadline waiting will the tumblers fall and the lock drop a price for my follies a distraction burn it to the ground scorched earth under cover kamikaze class in. out. take my paper run. where to? no idea....
Charred curtains, painting the stairwells, and yet more Barbies
Well… here I was yesterday afternoon thinking, shit, another Saturday blog with nothing much to report other than some of the peonies have started to bloom and what the Hell do I have to show for the week that’s interesting for a blog… Careful what you wish for and...
Poem: Gift
there is a beauty in yearning strings lush but somber melancholy and dazzling but if you want more cheerful counterpoint I will give it to you the light at the end of the tunnel once one gets there rather than that first distant spark of hope glimmering and beckoning...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #214
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Millie’s all moved in with Mr. Hydell and refusing to let Zamo steal Mr. Hydell’s gold and silver coins, er: help her organize. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Technical Support Monkey is learning to salsa dance, but refuses to listen...
More dolls, less lupins/foxglove/columbine
Slow news week, but whatever. Two weeks until my brother returns and I need to get the spare room ready for him. Let’s get real: this will probably all be done in the last 48 hours and not a moment sooner. In terms of other clean-up, my dad got...
Poem: Replacements
our beauty has been stolen from us we are brainwashed to accept concrete in place of marble rusty steel beams square blocks hostile to our hands brute English in place of our singing tongues jeans in place of frothy skirts blubber and obscenities gruff scowls in place of smiles...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #213
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: There’s a census in stupid frozen Canada this week and Zamo’s up in arms about not being counted when neither Georgie nor Technical Support Monkey will let Iggy fill out their census forms for them. In other news, Technical Support Monkey...