The Zamo the Destroyer Show #218
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Zamo’s had it up to here with Technical Support Monkey’s continual refusal to own a TV, especially when Ig finds out her brother has a huge one sitting around unused, and Iggy invokes Squeaky Simon in the quest to make Technical...
Poem: Fertilizer
The old hag sneers as she passes my garden a witch too early for Samhain “Goddamn idiot, why the fuck did you do this?” as she misses the riot of roses vivid coneflowers frigid iced lavender hibiscus the last of the fuschia blazing stars spring is a flurry of...
Equinox, escape plans, and a reflush in the garden
Another week gone by. Happy fall! The equinox was this week and I was kinda thinking how I need to be a little bit better at being more in tune with nature. Not in a granola and Greenpeace sorta way, but in a paying attention sorta way. Generally, the...
Friday Stitch Day Update (Well, OK, it’s the first one so it’s not an update, but whatever…)
Not that anyone cares, but hey, this is fun for me. And it keeps this stuff out of the Saturday life update post, so let’s make this a weekly thing, eh? Also… stitching = embroidery, but meh, when I knit, those are called stitches too. Let’s start with the...
A fun FB post courtesy of U2, plus some rambling about electric vehicles
Ah, Facebook… mostly I hate you, but every so often you serve me up with some lulz that almost make up for the fact that you’re an evil empire in control of thought policing and personal information harvesting masquerading as just a fun place to chat with my sane...
Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Lemax Esmeralda The Great
We’re getting closer to Halloween! And thus, another Lemax Spooky Town piece, Esmeralda the Great: Cool little piece in which the body rises up out of the coffin. This goes well with any witch theme or graveyards as well, and as an occultist, I have a soft spot for...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #217
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: After taking the summer off to bask in the sun and raid the gardens, Zamo is back to making sure Technical Support Monkey doesn’t have enough spare time to work on her own projects instead of Iggy’s… like the web series...
Poem: Windswept
another membrane jump no clue where I’m going but better than where I’ve been —can’t be worse, anyway— I paid the time toll to long lost scattered fans work given away free to a good home from my head to your ears I’d forgotten I wrote like that and...
New Zamos, rain, and dye jobs
Well, we got our first nasty rainstorm yesterday, with over an inch of it. I’m sure the garden appreciated the water, we’ll see how much of a flush of new growth things get in the aftermath. I bet Zamo would not be too thrilled with the return to sweater...
Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Lemax Pumpkin Tree House
This week’s collection piece is again Lemax Spooky Town: It’s a smaller piece, but with nice detailing. I have another treehouse piece, albeit not a Lemax one; I think my other one was a Tiny Treasures from Michael’s. And I have a few other pumpkin-related pieces, including last...