The Zamo the Destroyer Show #205
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: Technical Support Monkey’s squirrel infestation continues, yet she and her dad still refuse to pay Zamo the low, low price of $600 to have Zamo’s frog slave Hoppy catch and remove the squirrel. Chimpette is even so petty as to complain...
Squirrels suck, free downloads, and other news
That time of the week again: the Saturday life update blog. Well… let’s see here… Zamo was right about squirrels. Dad’s been thwarting the squirrels in various spots, but somehow they’ve still been getting in. I haven’t heard them in the attic of the house in the last few...
Pop quiz: How Much Do You Know About Cars?
1. Kids should always stay a. In school until they’re 35 b. In their car or booster seats in the back c. Quiet 2. The proper tire pressure is a. Somewhat dependent on the type of tires and the season b. Usually between 30 and 35 psi, but check...
Book of the week: Jim Goad’s The Headache Factory
Well, I haven’t finished any books this week, but hey, last week’s book blog was about something I read last year so let’s continue that trend, eh? I’m a big fan of Jim Goad’s. I have a bunch of his books, read his Taki’s Magazine column all the time...
Poem: Lessons
The great Babylonian whore always got her man and knew her value written in the stars —and with them— seven jewels and that just for a start. Seven gates seven veils seven points on her very own star. Yet I was taught never to be like her. Stay quiet....