Month: February 2015

Sit Down Monologue #2

Live from the creepy basement of the jam space complex [now with genuine mini Silence of the Lambs pit!], this Sit Down Monologue is all about working retail, from dumb HR questionnaires as part of the application to scheduling. Is honesty really the best policy? Probably not when it...

East Van Retard du Jour #1

Parked on East 2nd across from the jam space. Get honked and sworn at by some twat in a Car 2 Go: “Why you stopping?” Look, cunt, I know you don’t drive much based on the fact that you’re in a Car 2 Go, but there’s this thing called...

Mistaken Association #1

Just drove by a place called Nirvana Organics. First thing to pop into my head: Kurt Cobain’s scowling mug. Second thing to pop into my head: “I wonder if they sell any free-range heroin.”...