Tag: Poetry

Poem: Sounding

why do I write these ego or spite a moment or a motive tissue thin tossed around by the wind as deep as our love? or as shallow as our work? but pools deceive rock spires break the surface distracting from azure depths shafts straight to magma boiling water...

Poem: Invitation

the message arriving too late for me to care anymore what’s the point? one paper as good as any other thrown in the recycling bin my credentials are my words broadcast –forgotten or not— notes —heard or not— and does anyone go on forums and ask for theirs? I’ve...

Poem: Shade

burned or buried —unknown, but either way— too soon you left so short your life’s set Are you laughing with Phil tonight? Old studio stories Old foes forgotten —perhaps forgiven?— and have you forgiven me for walking away while still needed for support I couldn’t give and maybe I’ll...

Poem: White

glaring snow stymies birds and squirrels the forbidden color —in Cali, anyway— blinding leading the blind revealed paths secret journeys concealing where beauty lies dormant waiting its own turn to pounce...

Poem: Scrawl

distant echoes, voices of ancestors? or new-found whims call me to ancient paths obscured by the cobwebs centuries scrolls and tablets as yet unread Ogham, runes, or cuneiform? Nay, take all and lead me through today’s fog clearing tomorrow’s forgotten future of olden ways...

Poem: Old skins

old leather; shed skins one I shed my blood on for art or for ego (and impatience) as if it matters now window dressing recycled edge turned more primal I am shapeshifting again back to the source (I think; therefore I am lost and found again and again) world...

Poem: Flight

black ravens common here yet still remarkable fleeing a parking lot to return to trees and I wish to follow back to nature and natural freedom and out of the prison of a chambered life...

Poem: Feverfew

emergence a longing to be free just in time for the Fall come what may Ragnarok or Armageddon better to leave than to live to crawl as the cycles go on rise, fall, rise again but lower desperate valleys and mythical peaks preferable to bland plains and dull suburbs...

Poem: The Fool

a court jester, should I do cartwheels as I say things few want to hear and then laugh put bells in my hair to hide the roots jingle when I shake my head at your lies and you laugh all you like as the wall close in...

Poem: Blueprint

a novel outline —perhaps a prayer?— a blueprint of love to come musical romance or just a way to pay the bills dancing on paper lines cast waiting for a bite and perhaps a way to heal conjuring; testing first in fiction then in practise...