Friday Stitch Day Update: October 29, 2021

Kinda a slow week on this front, kinda not… let’s see what I got done or chipped away at.

First up, knitting. The only thing I’ve worked on was “Interlude” by Shannon Dunbabin, because the end is in sight and I want to plow ahead and try to get it done in the next week or so:

Photo-wise, it probably looks the same as last week, but I just finished row 161 and after 168, I can begin the bobble fringe bind-off, so that’s exciting.

For stitching, I decided this week to do a length of thread in each of the daily themed projects but if I had extra time, I would pour it all into trying to get “New England Winter Sampler” by Little House Needleworks finished, and I made good progress on it:

Now, the actual pattern calls for an alphabet at the top, but honestly… I kinda hate those. Well… I guess it depends on the pattern, but still.

For this one, I thought maybe I’d chart up some sort of Irish proverb about the home instead, and I came up with a list of 4 or 5, but chose “Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin” which is roughly “there’s no place like home.” (Lit. “no fireside like your own fireside”).

If you’d like the chart, here ya go:

Much better, IMO. And I kept a list of the others for future samplers where I can do without the alphabet part.

So… we’re getting there.

On to the actual daily themes…

Friday’s flora and fauna saw me just doing a little bit on Blackbird Designs“It’s Spring Fever”:

Saturday’s stars & stripes was me chugging away a little bit at Tiny Modernist‘s “Land of the Free“:

Sampler Sunday got me almost done with the light pink part of the pillar on Moira Blackburn Samplers’ “Don’t Worry Spiders” (that being a modification I’m doing, as I’ve mentioned before):

Merry Monday involved a little bit more red on 2018 Santa by Prairie Schooler:

On “trivial” Tuesday, which really ought to just be miscellaneous Tuesday but will probably become Valentine’s Tuesday, I worked on “Refuse to Sink” by Hands On Design:

… which I also worked on for Tropical Thursday as I now have a new large piece of 22-count aida that I dyed for Michelle Ink Designs‘ “Quaker Gone Tropical” but I didn’t really feel like actually starting it yet.

Actually, I dyed 2 large pieces of 22-count aida for it, but the first one ended up too brown/dark, so I think I’ll dust that one with some gold fabric spray paint and set it aside for future Prairie Schooler Santas, as it’s a pretty close match to the aida I dyed a couple years back for the 4 Prairie Schooler Santas I have as current WIPS.

The second time worked out much better and yielded a light but splotchy tan, which is perfect.

Anyway, I guess I’ll start that next week.

In between was Witchy Wednesday, wherein I did a little bit on one of the Quaker motifs at the top (no need to show the whole thing, lol…) on Lila’s Studio‘s “Halloween Quaker“:

And because I want some faster gratification, I’ll probably set this aside for a couple weeks and work on some smaller Halloween pieces that I can finish more quickly… eventually all these big guys will get a couple weeks here and there with the same extra time treatment as I gave the New England Winter Sampler this week to make some serious headway. But I’ll kinda have them on rotation.

So that was the week’s stitching and knitting. No quilting, but a little bit of aida dyeing that of course I didn’t bother to take pics of.

If this was a FlossTube video instead of a blog, I guess I’d show my haul of what arrived from 123Stitch earlier today, but meh… you’ll see things as I start to work on them and post about them.