Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Lemax Pumpkin Tree House
This week’s collection piece is again Lemax Spooky Town: It’s a smaller piece, but with nice detailing. I have another treehouse piece, albeit not a Lemax one; I think my other one was a Tiny Treasures from Michael’s. And I have a few other pumpkin-related pieces, including last...
Poem: Stopover
birds chirp passing by as I am passing through a town like a closed cocoon gray as death yet just a pause a passage before emergence in new splendor whence I will flutter away never to be seen again in these parts...
It’s beginning to look a lot like the rainy season, plus the return of cross-stitch and a character interview excerpt
It’s raining again this week, and I’m sure I soon won’t consider that worth mentioning other than to complain. For now, though, it’s refreshing. And I’m sure the garden appreciates it, since I’ve been neglectful. I dunno if it started last June when I fell down the stairs and...
Monday Memorabilia/Collections: Lemax The Bad Apple Shop
Like probably every week leading up to Halloween, this week’s Monday Memorabilia/Collections post is on a Lemax Spooky Town building, The Bad Apple Shop from the 2021 collection. Kinda goes with last year’s Spider Cider House, which I have. Or if one’s doing a carnival theme, it could go...
Poem: Miami
dancers twirl + shake the land of the free while iguanas invade and devour grandma’s precious hibiscus my heart aches longing for tropical steam a faraway dream but I know I’ll soon be there in spirit mind body from one coast to the other escape the smothering boot on...
Fall cometh, sax vs. bass clarinet, biceps and a new iMac
Well, it’s now September. Every September 1, I have a ritual of listening to David Sylvian’s “September.” It was neat to see in the comments on that video that I’m not the only one who does that every September 1, and furthermore, I’m not the only one who also...
Lemax set-up 2021
Well, I got my Lemax set-up done for this year, and I wanted to be sure to post some pics. First up, a carnival-ish area on top of the china cabinet in the back foyer: Then I have a small pumpkin and entertainment/music display on the sideboard in the...