Poem: Unshorn
cherry-mahogany reaching down my back siren-signal calling out “touch me” —to men— or “hate me” —to the hags— Don’t tell me short hair is fashionable: I don’t follow trends —trends are for morons— shorn sheep bleating rationalizations Never cut your hair. Do not fall prey to the matriarchs who...
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #208
New episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show: No show last week because the chimps needed shunning and nose-thwacking on account of the rain. Also because Technical Support Monkey refuses to borrow her brother’s AR-15 and shoot Ig a bear fur blanket because she’s lazy, just like her whole...
Small rant about fashion cycles, plus some spring flowers
Well, I missed last Saturday’s life update post for reasons I mentioned on this week’s Under My Skin. Which is to say, stupid reasons, because I inadvertently gave myself insomnia Friday night after binging on chocolate when my tolerance for caffeine is gone and even my sugar tolerance is...