
Another week and what’s new? Well, work is continuing on the poetry book and the sitcom/web series with dolls thing, and I’m getting transcripts in for my university application.

But the real news is I’ve had some ideas for musicals.

Wait… what?

Yes, musicals. The first nebulous idea was a couple weeks ago, actually. I believe it was on the anniversary of Jeremy Inkel’s death (Jeremy being in Front Line Assembly as well as his own band Left Spine Down). I’d worked with Jeremy 10 years ago as his manager/label’s flunky/publicist in and around the time when Left Spine Down was recording their album Caution, and had semi-lost touch with him since quitting that gig but I used to still see him around the scene up until I moved away from Vancouver in 2017. I think it was the following January when I saw the news on Facebook that Jeremy had passed from complications related to asthma, which was a shock, considering I think he was actually a couple years younger than me.

So… a couple weeks ago our mutual friend Galen, who had been Left Spine Down’s drummer, posted about Jeremy on Instagram and that set the wheels turning in my head and where they eventually ground to a halt was on the notion of writing some sort of electro musical set in a version of the club scene.

I don’t know anything else about it yet, but it’s one idea.

Another that came to me was inspired by reading Karan Feder’s book The Follies Bergere in Las Vegas and thinking of doing a musical set around a group of Vegas or Reno showgirls in the 1960s. That idea has a bit more flesh on its bones as of this morning with main concepts of who the 5 major characters would be, as well as deciding that it will be mostly set in the dressing room aside from a few numbers “on-stage” or in the wings.

There was also a vague notion for a comedic play which might also end up being a musical set at a UFO convention or around the UFO community.

And then there’s the one I’ll probably write first, a comedic musical about a group of ex-pats in a heavenly tropical paradise who find Hell in each other’s company.

Any resemblance to the daily barrage of text messages from my brother down in Mexico bitching about the rich American neighbours he can’t stand is purely coincidental.

Wait, did I say I’d write it first? I meant my… uh… “friend” F B will write it first, as per my comments before about pen names. LOL…

So… uh… never mind. Move along, nothing to see here, I ain’t written nothing this week except a few more poems and a new episode of The Zamo the Destroyer Show.