Tag: Sit Down Monologues

Sit Down Monologue #5

This Sit Down Monologue has Pyra answering the age old question of whether the toilet seat should be left up or left down. She also spews venom at all those bitches who hover....

Sit Down Monologue #4

This Sit Down Monologue has Pyra contemplating the supposed gender of guitars, as well as blathering about her favorite one, a 1997 Gibson ES-135 that she has nicknamed Jeff. So… you know… the next time you hear her going on about a tall, dark, handsome, sexy sweetie named Jeff,...

Sit Down Monologue #3

This Sit Down Monologue is all about meditation and the deep insights Pyra has had through her almost a month and a half of bothering to do some. Important stuff, y’know, like “my foot fell asleep.” Also, Pyra contemplates the meaning of whether or not there might be something...

Sit Down Monologue #2

Live from the creepy basement of the jam space complex [now with genuine mini Silence of the Lambs pit!], this Sit Down Monologue is all about working retail, from dumb HR questionnaires as part of the application to scheduling. Is honesty really the best policy? Probably not when it...

Sit Down Monologue #1

In this first “sit down monologue”, Pyra riffs on terrible Christmas music and gives her pick for the worst Christmas song ever....