Best of Ricky B.: week ending June 2, 2023
This week I posted some of the monotypes I did of Ricky on Saturday along with the usual cartoons and a pastel drawing when I’ll post on social media on Sunday.
I think my favorite, though, is the “bonus” cartoon I drew this afternoon from a prompt in Ladysmith Arts‘ June 30 Day Art Challenge: “dots.”
As I pondered what to do with it over the morning I got a vague idea of doing Ricky in a bubble somehow with other dots and bubbles in the background… and I figured I’d do it as an ink drawing, but by the time I got time to start on it, it had evolved into Ricky blowing a giant bubble… and then improvised from there and we have Ricky going for a trip of some sort:
I think I’ll end up doing a painting of this one at some point.
To see all the Ricky works, follow @ricky_b_rat on Instagram or Ricky B on Facebook… both are pretty new and could use new followers.
Ricky’s bio is at the bottom of this post.